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Closing The Circle: An End and A Beginning

About an hour ago my parents left my house...

They came to see and celebrate the new home my husband and I just bought, and to deliver the keepsakes that I had collected a few weeks ago from my childhood home in Iowa, the farm I grew up on, which they're now in the process of selling (with my full support.)

I spent two whole days with that farm, letting the memories pass through me, saying goodbye to the space that had been the incubator for the human I've become. I thanked it for everything it had given me, all of the love and the memories it had housed.

For years, I'd stored boxes of photos and toys and newspaper clippings at that house, saying to myself that one day they'd come and live with me, when I owned my own home. One day in the far off future. TODAY.

It took us about eight months from the time we set eyes on our new house to the time that it felt truly like our home. It was a crucible of an experience that has taught me more about myself than any other experience of my life. I wake up every morning fucking ecstatic that this is where I live. It's perfectly everything I've ever wanted. It's the foundation on which the rest of my life will be built. It's where the love of my life and I will build our empire, will grow the roots of our partnership, together.

As my parents drove off today I thanked them for all of the help they gave us to get the house. They said, "All you want as a parent is to see your kids happy and fulfilled and secure." I told them they'd seen it today.

I walked upstairs to record this moment in my journal. One of my best friends Rexx gave it to me when I told her I was on my way to Nashville to reprogram my life last Summer. On the cover it reads, "Always wear your invisible crown."

In today's entry, I wrote in the very last two pages of that journal. I wrote about how today felt like a profound completion, a "closing of a circle" (which is really the very beginning of the circle again.)

Today is the end and the beginning. Today is the end of my preparation, the end of my childhood, the end of my sleepwalking. It's the beginning of my actualization, my manhood, and my awakened life.

Unbeknownst to me, my first entry to this journal was **exactly one year ago today**. In that first entry I stated all of my intentions for my path moving forward. Every day since I've walked that path with the clarity of my intention, and all of my desires have manifested in response.

A short while ago I wrote the final words, "AND SO IT IS" and closed the book.

Today, I feel truly grateful, truly complete, truly prepared.

I am King Benjamin, The Capricorn King of the Infinite Light.

My work has just begun.

World peace anyone?

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